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The MONOHAUS is named for the one thing it's made of - a special monolithic concrete that not only provides the most solid structure but also stunning aesthetics with it's up to 55cm thick exposed concrete walls and usability.
It is has won numerous prestigious awards and has been featured in various life-style and design magazines and books. The magazine Monocle called it "Stunning" and "Powerful", while others have called it "Groundbreaking". Unanimously it is seen as one of the best contemporary buildings in Berlin.
The MONOHAUS has a zen-like quality, giving its residents a calm and serene place to withdraw from the hustle-bustle of daily urban life. The facade shows that the angles shift slightly as the building ascends, creating a play of subtle shadows.
The extraordinary material of exposed concrete is remarkably intelligent and was expertly developed in cooperation with Heidelberger Beton, a world leader in innovative use of concrete, to achieve the most sustainable building technology. Not only are the massive walls heat-insulating, but the material's breathability provides a healthy balanced room condition through every season. The constructions comply with the very latest energetic standards of the strict German Energy savings regulations. This intelligent design not only saves energy, but also assures consistent quality.